Amazing… My Cannabis Shop just got offered a Free 50 Inch TV with Equipment which includes some educational content and advertising + some of my own advertising.
That’s Awesome! Question though… Why is it that they are willing to give you all of this?

Hmm… Good question. That does sound a bit odd when you mention it.
The truth is each of the customers YOU Attract are worth a lot of money.. especially to advertisers. That’s money you’re just giving away!

Damn… I hadn’t thought of that.
So lets look at this a little more closely – Say you have 100 customers visit your store lobby on a daily basis for about 4 minutes on average.

I don’t mind ads so much, but if they’re not catered to my needs then that’s really going to take away from my customer’s experience. How do I control that?
What if by controlling all your advertising you could increase your per customer daily revenue by just $5.. That would end up being $500 extra dollars per day (100x$5) or $15,000 a month.
In other words in 1 Day you have just paid for your Free TV and Equipment. As anything in Life… Free isn’t always Free. In this case Free could cost you $15,000 a month or $180,000 a year.

Now that $149 monthly service is making a lot more sense!
Exactly! keep in mind with the Divvy system if you wanted to Sell Vendor Advertising to be placed on your TV you could. This would put you in complete control and allow you to make additional money off your TV!