Consider The Customer With Cannabis Menus

Hate to be blunt about this, but the reality is when we set to design a tv menu we really don’t care as much about how the menu will work for the Dispensary Owner or the budtenders for that matter.. Our primary focus is always with their customers. Don’t get me wrong here. It’s not like we ignore the owner’s feedback or direction. However, we will always try to guide the conversation back to one question. “How is This Design Beneficial to your Customer?

In order to do this most effectively it is a great idea to start by building a customer profile. There are usually at least 3 different types of customers that will walk into the store at any given point.  

The Order Online Guy

These are the type of people that know exactly what they want. They might even be in a rush, wanting to get in and out quickly. In the same vein of thought, there are similar customers that are, while possibly more spontaneous, still know exactly what they want when they come in.  And then there are those that come in that might be less familiar with your store and what you offer.  

Consider The Customer With Cannabis Menus

For the sake of this conversation we are going to lump these first two customers into one category called “Repeat Customers”.  As mentioned these are seasoned cannabis enthusiasts that have been around the block and usually have a pretty good idea of what they are coming in for. For this particular customer we are going to make the assumption that they won’t necessarily be looking for a full menu on your TV screens. The reality is If there is a full menu they most likely will not have a use for it. This is why it is a great idea to always have some sort of special that might appeal to these types of buyers. It could simply be a daily special that sits to the left or right of your menu. It could be specials that encourage a higher spend or basket size. (i.e. Spend X or more and get 20% off) It could also be some sort of loyalty offer (i.e. Your 5th checkout is 15% off). The overall idea here is that when it comes to designing your tv menu it is a great idea to be thinking about where you will be placing your specials as this is the type of offer that might get your repeat customers to add products to their usual checkout.

The Cannabis Newbie

It is your Cannabis Newbie that will make the most use out of a full tv menu. These are the customers that will appreciate various data points from which to make decisions on. These customers might appreciate menus that are broken up by price. A good example of this would be our tiered Flower menus that clearly show different pricing levels. They also might want to shop based on Brand, THC, CBD or maybe even terpenes. Clearly there will probably be an interest in knowing the subspecies type of Indica, Sativa and Hybrid. Maybe you want to show coupons on certain products or when they are on sale. We always want to serve the most helpful data points to the newbie customer, making sure the TV’s lead them to a purchase they feel good and confident about.

Consider The Customer with Cannabis Menus

When it comes to building out your TV menu strategy, try first to think about the type of customers you will be serving. Know that TV Menus that showcase your entire inventory might not be helpful to all of your customers. More focused menus are often a good choice. Strategies like showing Specials and Educational content will fill in the gaps and allow you to reach all of your customers. Always consider the customer with cannabis menus.

Get a free consultation on how to best consider the customer with cannabis menus

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“Before entering a new industry we are very careful about making sure we have a product and service that meets a true need. What we found through talking directly with many Cannabis Owners is that being able to update their TV Menus instantly without too much headache is what they truly wanted and so this is what we made sure to deliver upon and more. “
Max Gagnon
Founder | CEO